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fine girl with curly hair
fine girl with curly hair

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From learning the best way to care for transitioning natural hair to using the maximum hydration method for long-lasting moisture, giving your strands the love they need comes with some trial and error. And we’ve all made mistakes—maybe not as epic as putting construction glue in your hair, but you’ve done damage nonetheless. So here are some mistakes you maybe making and not know how they’re harming your strands) so you can avoid doing them in the future.

Co-washing your hair comes with many benefits, such as helping your strands retain their shape and keeping frizz under control. However, a cleansing conditioner can only go so far as to give your hair the attention it deserves. Now, we’re not saying that you should stop co-washing altogether, but you need to use a cleansing shampoo to get rid of product build-up, dirt, and debris on your scalp and hair. Consider using a sulfate-free shampoo for gentle cleansing.

If you’ve been towel-drying your hair, consider this your sign to stop! Towel-drying wet hair can lead to breakage and hair loss, which is the opposite of what you want. Opt for air-drying, using a blow-dryer on the cold setting, or soaking up excess water with a soft T-shirt to keep your strands intact. If you absolutely must use a towel, always opt for a microfiber version that’s friendlier to your curls.

While we understand that some hairstyles call for heat-styling tools, too much heat can damage your hair. Not to mention, when you apply heat consistently, you run the risk of losing your natural curl pattern. Rocking your natural hair is all about embracing your texture. Use hair care products that work hand in hand with air drying like the L’Oréal Paris Advanced Hairstyle BOOST IT Volume Inject Mousse. Simply apply an egg-sized amount to your strands, scrunch, and let hair air dry. Once dry, style your mane as usual.

As much as you may love a sleek bun or box braids, high-tension styles can wreak havoc on your hair—especially your edges. Try experimenting with low-tension hairstyles like twist outs, and other protective styles that won’t pull on your roots. And when you do want to wear a high ponytail or braids, avoid making them too tight. After all, you don’t want to lose—or damage—your baby hairs!

Since natural hair can break easily, you always want to handle your hair with care. Instead of dry combing your hair, which can cause breakage and split ends, stick to detangling your strands during your hair care routine. Need a comb outside of wash day. Add a bit of L’Oréal Paris Elvive Dream Lengths Super Curls Leave-In conditioner for added moisture and slip while you detangle.

There is something about defined curls that makes you want to play around with different styles. And some of those styles necessitate manipulating your hair quite a bit, but touching your hair too much can lead to dry strands, breakage, frizz, and product build-up. Of course, this all can take a toll on your hair.

Using only oils on your hair is not enough to keep your mane moisturized for the long haul (remember the hair grease days of the ‘80s and ‘90s?). Since it’s hard for natural hair to maintain moisture, you need to add a few more steps to your routine to get the job done. Try out the LOC method or the LCO method to seal your strands with long-lasting moisture.

Stop, put down the comb, and move away from the curls! While detangling is a crucial part of natural hair care, using the wrong tools can break your hair and cause split ends. Not just any comb will do the job. Always use a wide-tooth comb for a smooth detangling process, and start from the tips, working your way up your length to the roots.

As scary as it may be to lose your length, you need to visit your stylist to get regular trims. Trimming your hair gets rid of split ends, keeps breakage at bay, and minimizes damage to help your tresses grow healthy and strong. Consider booking appointments with your stylist every six to eight weeks and just get a little bit trimmed off your ends each time.

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Credit: lorealparisusa

We are all familiar with the tedium of washing one’s hair. Not only are we often short on time to wash our hair as regularly as we would like to, but we also find that washing one’s hair too often can be damaging. So, what are the issues that we need to tackle if we don’t have the time to wash our hair? Primarily, we need to take care of the grease or oiliness on the scalp and the unpleasant smell that can often be the result of unwashed hair. If you have an oily scalp, then your scalp and hair are likely to pick up all the odours and smells from around you. In this post, we will tell you some quick and easy ways in which you can keep your smelling nice and fresh even when you don’t have the time to wash it. Let’s take a look at how you keep your hair smelling nice:

1. Blast Your Hair With A Dryer

Did you know that using a hair dryer on unwashed, smelly hair can literally help blow away the bad odour? Turn up the blast on your hair dryer and run it through your hair to make it smell clean again.

2. Apply Your Favourite Perfume
Your favourite perfume or body spray isn’t just meant for your pulse points. Feel free to liberally spritz it into your hair for a pleasant fragrance that will also last longer. You could also use a scented leave-in conditioner.

3. Wash Your Comb And Hairbrush

hair brush
hair brush

Just as you need to wash your hair regularly, you also need to keep your comb and hairbrush equally clean. Not cleaning your hairbrush can add to the odours in your hair.

4. Use Lemon Juice
A quick rinse with lemon juice diluted with water will help cleanse your hair, fight dandruff and keep your hair smelling fresh for a longer time.

5. Use A Heat Protectant Spray
Sometimes, your hair can smell bad because of the many heat treatments that it undergoes. To prevent that, you must make sure to use a heat protection spray before using any hot tools on your hair.

credit: makeupandbeauty
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Some Benefits of Having Natural Hair
As if we had to supply greater motives! Women are making the transfer to herbal hair ordinary due to all of the benefits they see in doing so. Yea, we`re pro-herbal over her however the benefits are actual and the motives for staying are more potent than ever.
Sure, taking care of natural hair can be time consuming, but it is always worth it in the end. Going natural doesn’t mean you’re all about the environment and being one with nature either, It just means taking that new step to being a healthier and more original you. Here are five reasons why you won’t miss your relaxed hair.

It’s healthier for your hair and entire body

No matter how much we try to convince ourselves otherwise, we know that the chemicals and heat tools we constantly use on our hair are damaging. Heat protection products can only help to an extent but they are slowly stripping the life and shine from hair until the hair is in a state where you’re too embarrassed to even wear it out.
Chemicals wreak havoc to hair by stripping the hair and denying you of that full, thick head of hair you were given naturally.

You can wear as many styles as you want in one week. There are several ways you can put on your hair, and there are lots of tutorials out there to help you while you have to go through this learning process. Once you get the hang of it, whether you need wash-and-go, straight curls, twist-outs, or braided hair isn’t too confusing. Natural hair can give you all of this without the use of heat.

Going natural is pocket friendly
Some may disagree, but expensive salon treatments like relaxers are out of budget. Many natural persons care about their own hair, thinking about hundreds (and eventually thousands) dollars to not waste on weaving when you can boldly rock your natural hair. To Only hair care products need to be purchased at this point, and weaves, braids and wigs are a common cause of hair loss in black women. We need to reduce their use and accept more of the natural texture.

No more worrying about rain!

You can drive without problems even if it rains. Missed dancing in the rain too? You can also do that. You don`t have to worry about ruining your weave.
I know many are like, my twist out will fall but those rainy days are certain styles and proper styling can keep frizz away on even the most humid of days. Free hydration for all!
Look, whether you still hate the rain or not, our hair loves and needs hydration. It is an essential factor in hair miniaturization and whether you use it directly or in water based products this is a huge change in black women, water and our hair.

The yet most amazing part of having natural hair is its individuality. Once your natural hair starts to grow out, it will take its own pattern or type of curls. Embracing and loving your own curls brings about a confidence you cannot find with relaxed hair. Not hating on relaxed hair at all, just sharing the powerful love women with natural hair feel once they are natural.
So if you’re thinking of becoming natural, or struggling to make the switch, think about how wonderful it is for this gorgeous hair to grow naturally from our heads. Keep in mind that women of other races do not change the texture of their hair the number of times we do it, and ask ourselves why some of us are still doing it.

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While genetics play a part, your food, the weather, pollution, and your overall hair care routine are all important in keeping your crowning beauty in good shape. Learn how a healthy diet and good grooming can keep your tresses looking their best.

1. Increase your protein intake

Hair and scalp health is influenced by a well-balanced diet. Protein is the primary component of hair, therefore eat at least 45 grams of protein every day. The following are some excellent resources:

  • lean meat
  • poultry
  • beans
  • dairy products that are low in fat
  • eggs
  • fish
  • Inadequate protein diets can cause hair to become weak and brittle, as well as color loss and hair loss.

    2. It’s all about the zinc

    Hair loss can be caused by a zinc deficiency. To help with shedding, include nuts like Brazil nuts, walnuts, pecans, cashews, and almonds in your diet.
    Consume copious amounts of:

  • vegetables
  • fruits
  • salads with leafy greens
  • plenty of filtered, pure water
  • When necessary, a multivitamin or zinc supplement can be used to supplement your diet.

    3. Take care of your hair with omega-3 fatty acids

    Increasing your omega-3 fatty acid intake can help to stimulate hair follicles and sebaceous glands. While this will not stimulate your hair to grow, it may help to improve the health of your scalp.
    Cold-water fish including salmon, sardines, and herring contain omega-3 fatty acids. Other excellent resources include:

  • the flax seed
  • yogurt
  • cottage cheese
  • salad
  • cereal
  • 5. Select the appropriate shampoo

    Hair damage can be caused by using the improper shampoo and style agent. Look for products that are suitable for your hair type — oily, normal, or dry — and that address any issues you may be experiencing, such as dandruff.
    Avoid shampoos that include harsh chemicals like ammonium lauryl sulfate or sodium lauryl sulfate. Also, keep in mind that a product’s price does not always imply its quality.

    6. Obtain condition-specific information
    Conditioning your hair after showering is essential for keeping it silky, lustrous, and manageable. A separate conditioner or a shampoo with built-in conditioner are both options.

    Credit: healthline
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    Starting a hair care routine is like starting a skin care routine. Once you’ve found one that works for you, you will rarely get lost.

    But the process of finding that routine can seem a bit overwhelming, especially when the options are numerous for people with the same hair type.

    Here you will find everything you need to know to find the right hair care routine for you.

    Your individual routine ultimately depends on a few factors
    From the feel of your hair to the styles you prefer, all of these elements will change the routine you end up choosing.

    Your natural hair type or structure

    Hair types are typically fine, thick, or coarse and fall into one of four categories:
    • straight
    • wavy
    • curly
    • tangled

    Each has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, straight hair generally looks and feels greasy faster than curly hair because the oil flows down the hair shaft quickly.

    If your hair has been bleached, colored, or otherwise chemically treated

    If your hair has been exposed to dyes, bleaches, or chemicals, you may need to think more carefully about your routine. People with colored hair are advised not to wash it daily to avoid premature discoloration and dryness. And bleached hair may need additional nutrients in the form of conditioners or hair masks.

    Knowing what the problem is half the task. The rest is to find the best solution.

    However, every routine shares a few basic elements

    Although your hair type and concerns will change your hair care routine in some ways, there are a few basic steps that everyone can benefit from.

    Cleansing is a balance between removing dead skin cells and product residue without stripping the hair of its natural oils.

    Without proper washing, sebum will build up, creating an unwanted oiliness.

    The skin renews about every 28 days, and this can be noticeable if the hair is not clean.
    And if you’re an avid swimmer, you don’t want to leave chlorine on your locks. The longer he sits, the more time he has to strip the hair of its natural elements and cause damage.
    shinning hair


    Conditioners have countless benefits. The main one is hydration, but others include detangling, shine and frizz reduction.
    The main ingredient of a conditioner is a Trusted Source cationic surfactant.
    When hair is wet, this sticks to it, coating the strands to replenish the moisture that shampoo may have removed.

    Moisturize and seal
    To add further hydration to the hair, you may want to embark on a twostep process known as moisturize and seal.
    This can be particularly useful for kinky or curly hair that tends to be dry.
    The aim is to seal in moisture, not to lock in dryness, using a hydrating product and sealing oil.

    Detangling is essential for stopping breakage and for making your life a whole lot easier.

    The products and tools used in each step vary widely
    While most people follow the above steps religiously, there are no defined products or tools that you must adhere to. Instead, experiment to find the ones that work for you.

    Cleanser and Conditioner
    Clarifying shampoo: Shampoo that works in depth, clarifying formulas work to remove build-up from the hair. Limit use to about once a month as they can remove natural oils.

    “Daily” shampoo: Used for regular shampooing, this shampoo may not need to be applied daily as the name suggests, but whenever your hair needs a good cleaning.

    “Daily” or rinse-out conditioner: The conditioner you use the most is probably the one that rinses out after a few minutes. It is best applied in the middle and on the ends as applying to the roots can result in a greasy looking scalp.

    Leave in conditioner: With this type of conditioner, you apply it the same way, but don’t rinse it off. This helps to increase the nutritional level.

    Deep conditioner: For even more hydration, try a deep conditioner. These conditioners are ideal for dry hair and are designed to stay in place for longer.
    Moisturizer and Sealer

    Hair Lotion: After the hair has been cleansed and conditioned, a cream-based lotion can provide additional protection against breakage and dryness. It also provides a light, non-rigid hold.

    Oil: When it comes to oil, a little goes a long way. By enhancing the natural oils in your hair, it locks in moisture and strengthens strands.

    Comb: Wet hair can break more easily when brushed, although this does not apply to textured or curly hair types. A wide-toothed comb may be a less damaging alternative.

    Brush: Different types of brushes exist. Some find the bristles too hard for their hair, so go for a plastic version. Try not to brush your hair too much. Once a day is usually sufficient.

    Spray: If you notice rising tears when brushing or combing, apply a detangling spray beforehand.

    Serum: A richer way to deal with those tangles, a detangling serum can further condition and soften the hair so that the combs work perfectly.

    Go natural where possible
    Letting your hair breathe can work wonders. This can involve restricting heat use by letting it airdry and avoiding straighteners and curling irons.
    Even putting hair up in a tight ponytail can cause strain, so leave it down to stop the pull. And if you don`t need to use a styling product, don`t use it. That way, you`ll reduce residue buildup.

    The Basics
    Building a hair care routine can take a few days or even weeks. But once that’s taken care of, you’ll be on your way to getting the hair you deserve.

    Credit: healthline
    Photo credit: curlygirlswag
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